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Old 02-12-2011, 08:41 PM
Sauf Sauf is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 436

Well youve caught me in a weak moment so i'll put my serious face on;

Im all for radar in the single player campaign and lack of loiter time over the english coast ect, the more accurate the better for my game play enjoyment, but having said that i enjoy multiplayer, tbh mp is all ive really played over the last 3 years or so, warbirds, spits v 109's, UK dedicated ect though i havent had much time over the last 12 months or so because of work commitments. I think it will be hard to get the right "mix" for want of a better word for mp if reds just defend england, though hopefully it will end up in large dogfights over the middle of the channel with the bombers from both sides trying to get through. Spose if each side has equal amount of ground targets on either side of the channel it will work out fine. Hard to say till we know more about map sizes ect.
But even though there is a bit of negativity about atm I for one cant wait for release, downloaded Wings of prey yesterday to give it a go while waiting for CoD, but its gameplay is absolutley horrible, if there is anyone out there that has completed the first LW misson (eagleday i think it is) your a better man than me!

Bring on COD i say, sooner the better!
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