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Old 02-08-2011, 04:34 AM
swiss swiss is offline
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Originally Posted by Wolf_Rider View Post
and Nearmiss

UBIShop (again) redirects the buyer to the local region page... ie go to US/ UK page, hit BUY and it spits you back to AUS shop page. download only, no hardcopy and twice the price of the US/UK download versions.

English version mail order might have to be the way to go, but atm Amazon won't ship outside the US, except to US States and bases. Has anyone been able to confirm or not the hardcopy will/ won't be region locked, like movie DVD's and some console games?
There are other online shops besides Amazon & Ubi too.
Just try the normal ones, or ebay, or...
Drop them a line and politely ask. Most would ship to Moon if it was possible and you're willing to cover shipping.

Queries to the people in charge, appear to be falling on deaf ears.
So you hope to open those ears with Olegs soft voice?
Worth a try.
Still wrong thread, no Oleg active here.