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Old 02-02-2011, 02:42 PM
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ElAurens ElAurens is offline
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Please do not mis understand me. In flight complex proceedures are OK by me.

My post about the A2A models was simply to point out that I don't think they can make a model to Oleg's level of detail, and sell it at a price that most, and certainly myself, would pay. It's a long jump from a fancy cockpit and high poly count external model, to a fully realized model like CoD has, with poly counts that actually allow online play as well, someting the FSX folks have never had to worry about.

Personally speaking, the P-40 could contend on an equal footing with all the types of Messerschmitts, almost to the end of 1943.
~Nikolay Gerasimovitch Golodnikov
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