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Old 02-01-2011, 01:10 AM
JG4_Helofly JG4_Helofly is offline
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Posts: 141
Default Complex engine management

In various threads, complex engine management has been mentionned. I want to discuss this topic in this thread in more detail.

From what we know, the engine will be more complex in COD. The question is: how complex. And how will it affect gameplay.
I recently tried the A2A spitfire and I am impressed. After so many years with IL2, engine management wasn't a big issue. Only now I see how important it is.
I remember reading pilot storys in which they described that the airplane needed constant attention from take-off to the landing. They had to fully concentrate to fly these warbirds, let alone the fighting. I now understand why...

COD will probably not reach the level of detail of A2A simulations (we already know that there wont be a realistic start up procedure), but what can we expect? And how will it change the gameplay?

And of course: What do you think about it? Do we need a high level of complexity in this area?
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