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Old 01-30-2011, 01:57 PM
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Originally Posted by bezshumniy View Post
if the pilot flys it in a straight line its easily taken out by going head on about 600m lower than it and pulling up vertically to shoot the fueselage. even shooting the ground targets with a g-6 <in flight> will defeat your average b-17 pilot. thats my opinion anyways.
That was what I was saying in a previous post.

"A german fighter tactic against B-17s was to approach from about 600m away head on, while pointed down at a 30 - 45 degree angle. At about 100m they would pull their nose up to a 45 degree angle and fire at the B-17 before banking left or right while going into a dive."

I have used this tactic in arcade against several B-17s with high success.

In realistic I like to come from above at about a 70 - 80 degree angle at 400m above them. I normally aim for their top gunner or right in front of it.

I always enjoy seeing the B-17 burn as it tumbles to the ground.
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