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Old 01-29-2011, 06:44 PM
DC338 DC338 is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Location: God's country
Posts: 62

Blackdog your are correct. it is TAS related not IAS related as it should be. I don't think it can be easily fixed however. Probably an entire FM engine rewrite. This has been known about for sometime but not sure if admitted too. It is not just a 109 issue it is an issue for every aircraft. Test for yourself in any aircraft. The G that can be generated at 400km/h at 5000m and 400km/h at 100m is very different. High speed aerodynamics are not a factor at these altitudes or speeds. The problem that this creates is that you have variable G v stick position for a constant IAS with increasing alt. Not ideal for fighting and if not fixed in CoD is a glaring error.

As for fixes. Get rid of sonar sounds. The only thing you should hear in a WW2 piston engined fighter is the engine, radio and perhaps the sound of taking a hit.