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Old 01-27-2011, 04:08 AM
ShadowTek ShadowTek is offline
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Posts: 77
Default In The Works: Anti-Paladin Mod

Anti-Paladin Mod
Hi, after playing this game for awhile, I have learned its much funner to play undead and demons (IMO) So I am making a new mod, it will convert the paladin into a anti-paladin.. It will utterly and compleatly replace the paladin in the game...

This mod will change all skills and medals as well.. it will also include a different image of the class (in dds format)

The reason is I dont care about the paladin, I like the idea of its opposite, so thats what Im working on as I like playing evil, and this game seems very anti-evil.

I have figured out most things, but some info I need is:

1. where do you modify the medal descriptions? I already found/modified medals themselves.. I just need the file of descriptions for the medals.

2. description of items, as I want to make a unholy avenger (for D&D fans) as well as make it apart of a anti-paladin set (note will favor undead and demons, penalty against elves, humans, neutrals, dwarves)

Set will be:

Anti-paladin Set:

Full Set: +2 initiative for demons and Undead, +2 speed Demons & Undead, +3 moral Demons and Undead.. -3 moral for elves, humans and dwarves

1. Unholy Avenger: +2, +5 attack vs elves, humans, dwarves.

2. Armor of Evil: +2 +5 vs elves, humans, dwarves.

3. Helm of Evil: +5 Int, +10% Evlin spell, +10% physical damage from elves, humans and dwarves

4. Boots of Evil: +30 rage, +1 speed for demons and undead

5. Flag of the Anti-Paladin: +3 attack, +3 defence, +3 Int

Let me know what you think of the above set! It is supposed to be very powerful for undead + Demons, but weak against humans, elves and dwarves.. I get this set is powerful but as all other races almost you will have penalties against it seems to balance out as theres far more of them then there is undead and demons.. plus read further as medals and skills are nurfed bigtime to only ever benifit demons and undead, the point of this mod is to make you a master of undead and demons, but EVERYONE else will HATE you, you will ONLY be able to have demons and undead in your army when Im done.



If a skill in the mind catagory is not mentioned, then it does not change.. or havent got to it yet, its a work in progress..

Holy Anger changed to Unholy anger:
defence of elves, humans and dwarves reduced by original skill values, rage and ,mana per attack +3

Prayer changed to Commune:
+1 defense. +5% crit
+2 defense, +7% crit
+3 defense, +10% crit

Ressurection changed to Unholy Revive:
same as Ressurection but ONLY works with undead and demons

Power Of Spirit changed to Moral Of the anti-paladin:
per level to moral, this ability helps get undead and demons to a high moral level, it helps balance out other skills as you lose the ability bonuses of this skill in exchange for moral..

Neatness removed utterly and replaced with Undertaker
+1 attack, +2 attack for undead
+2 attack, +4 attack for undead
+3 attack, +6 attack for undead

Diplomacy utterly removed and replaced with Inferno Alliance

+1 attack, +2 attack for Demons
+2 attack, +4 attack for Demons
+3 attack, +6 attack for Demons

STILL A WOK IN PROGRESS: I still plan to change allot of skills to be demon and undead specific, keep in mind when you look at balance that undead and demons have bad moral vs other units and this class and mod is specifically geared to undead and demons only and that you will probably not be able to use ANY non demon or undead units when Im done.. as the moral penalty and att+def penalty will make them usless..


Note if medal for original paladin is not mentioned, it is the same... or havent got to it yet, its a work in progress..

starting from the top left corner..

Grand Start=same

Dragonslayer changed to Humanoid slayer:

Humanoid Slayer:
Kill any 150 Humanoids, +3 defence for demons and undead only

Kill any 300 Humanoids, +3 Attack for demons and undead only

Kill and 500 Humanoids, +1 init, +1 speed demons and undead only
(note this removes the pet aspect it was before, its balanced I think as it ONLY benifits demons and undead

Treasure Hunter replaced utterly with Bone Dragon Boost:
The term "dragons" here means all dragons EXEPT Bone Dragons:
Kill 15 Dragons: Bone Dragon +5 attack, +5 defence
Kill 25 Dragons: Bone Dragon +10 attack, +10 defence
Kill 50 Dragons: Bone Dragon +1 speed, +1 init
NOTE: balanced as its only bone dragon

Purifier utterly replaced with Suduction
Kill 25 dryads or elven females: +20 attack Demoness Only
Kill 100 dryads or elven females: +20 defense Demoness Only
Kill 300 dryads or elven females: +2 init, +2 speed, demoness only
(note, yup, I want this unit to be better)

Battle alchemy changed to Archdemons challenge:
Kill 25 level 5 enemies: +30 attack
Kill 75 level 5 enemies: +35 Defence
Kill 125 level 5 enemies: +3 ini, +3 speed
(NOTE: will make this unit not so usless)

Trapper.. same. no change

Guardian angle changed to Satans Shield:
Cast Any Fire spells xx times give the following bonuses to Demonologists and Necromancers ONLY:

25 times, +7 attack
50 times +7 Defense
100 times +3 ini, +3 speed
(this only is for these two units so balanced I think, plus I feel they should be fast and first)

Blind Rage same but changed to:
+5 critical
+10 critical
+15 critical
Justified as I removed all ather skills and medals for pet, so this is only benifit for pet, I feel it equals out.

and finally holy warrior changed to Unholy Warrior:
Ok will be the same as it is now BUT:
Instead of Priests, Inquisiters and Paladins, replace with all undead and Demons (aka the bonuses, again due to the limits on the units for medals and skills, and the penalties to elves, humans and dwarves.. this is fair, only the spells chage)
spells that have to be cast xx times are:

I DONT KNOW YET, suggestions welcome

Anti-Paladin Start
The Antipaladin will get the following bonuses to start:


Anyway, this is the mod I am working on, please post your ideas ONLY if you like my idea
(Ive read this forum, and though Im new, I have a good idea how to mod as I have modded many games, but I understand that many may not like the idea of a anti-paladin, this mod will compleatly replace the existing paladin, and I understand that there are allot of persons here that will not like my idea judging by the attacks Ive seen here on some peoples ideas and mods, so though I welcome all comments keep in mind that if you dont like my idea, then dont waste your time as I dont wanna be attacked for my idea, I just want ideas from people that like the idea)

If you like the idea of what Im working on let me know! note I use latest crossworlds game so this mod will only be for that..

Please as many of you are far more exp in this game point out imbalances and things, but.. read what I have posted, cause as so I may have given some power to specific units, it was replaced from power that gave all units a power, so keep that in mind..

Let me know if anyone is interested in this mod Im making, as Im spending allot of time on it (but only on weekends as I work all week, but dame near all weekend is on making this mod)

Thanks for your time!!

Last edited by ShadowTek; 01-27-2011 at 04:52 AM.
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