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Old 01-20-2011, 07:45 PM
ShuiMienLung ShuiMienLung is offline
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Join Date: Dec 2010
Posts: 46

"The +20% damage to archers means that archers do 20% more damage, not that you inflict more damage ON archers."

I've been meaning to ask about +% to damage. Are all pluses dealt with (and rounded) individually, or is there a total step ("this unit gets +X% to damage") and then it multiplies?

Specifically what brought this up: my KBTL game where I kept finding multiples of items, like 2x Sword of the Dragon Slayer and 2x Nephrit Belt. (Both of those say "+50% something", the first "attack" against enemy dragons, and the second "damage" done by my spider-y units.)

So is it done as:
base damage of the unit is 2-3
+50% is 1-1.5
rounded (if rounding happens) to +1 to +2
damage is 3-5
second +50% item is applied, with same rounding
so damage is now 4-7
(Discrete increments, rounding.)

OR with no rounding. In this case it would be:
base 2-3
+50 is 1-1.5 no rounding == 1-1
damage is 3-4
second +50% item is applied, with same rounding
so damage is now 4-5
(Discrete increments, no rounding)

OR is it done as "total of bonus damage (or attack) is +100%"
base 2-3
+100% == 2-3
total damage is now 4-6
(Total increment, rounding not relevant if total is 100%.)

And, obviously, 2-3 damage for the small spiders or skeleton archers is one extreme. Doubling the attack of EGD or red or black dragons on Ultrax leads to quite a bit of damage dished out.
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