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Old 01-20-2011, 03:05 AM
Heliocon Heliocon is offline
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Well I picked up on it in a different way. The AA looks very strange, much closer to IL2 than a modern game (Wings of Prey has far better AA, clearly silky smooth edges). Also the gunfire from the videos we have seen looks weird, like the tracers are moving rectangular textures (which they used to use), while WOP actually look musch closer to the real thing, the bright tracer is blurred and leaves behind a wake as a bullet does.
Maybe I am just nit picking.

*edit - I was just reading this interview where Oleg states the engine is completely new and rebuilt, so I think we have to trust him on this one. For now until I see more gameplay I am going to put it as either: the artists/programmers used a similar method or procedure to generate the effect in the new engine, resulting in visual simularity that seems "out of place". But my god the Jaggies!

Last edited by Heliocon; 01-20-2011 at 03:14 AM.