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Old 01-19-2011, 05:20 PM
Fafnir_6 Fafnir_6 is offline
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Originally Posted by LoBiSoMeM View Post
1C delivery to people planes to jump into cockpit with amazing detail, rich combat experience, great landscape detail, but some bunch will only buy this masterpiece if it's have "offline career mode"...

I'm a little bit tired of this kind of people. As a "whinner" about gameplay issues, I consider this kind of "gamey" approach to a MASSIVE work in software, research, etc, a big disrespect!

I will buy IL-2 : CoD even without a GUI! I can live if it's run with command line!

Some people just don't DESERVE IL-2 : CoD. Simple as that!
I remember reading somewhere that the number of offline IL-2 users out there outnumber the online ones quite handily. It would be very foolish of 1C to not cater to the offline crowd, so the concerns regarding offline capabilities are important. It sounds to me like you are an online-only player of IL-2 and, quite frankly, you are missing out on the enormous potential of IL-2's offline component (DCG, user made add-ons, etc). Air quake gets tiresome after a while.


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