Thread: Tweaking chests
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Old 01-15-2011, 03:03 AM
Sir Whiskers Sir Whiskers is offline
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Originally Posted by DarkScythe View Post
I don't want to modify all of them, but rather just the ones that appear in-battle when I use the dragon's treasure searcher ability. My problem is it seems there is far too much gold being pulled up.
Keep in mind that, by default, the easy setting triples the amount of gold you get. If too much gold is an issue, I would suggest modding the logic.txt file (in Session.kfs, IIRC).

You can simply mod the money setting from 3.0 to 1.0 or whatever number you want. Or you can dig into the individual settings for how much treasure is given based on the difficulty of the island you're on. You may have to play with the values a bit to see how they work, but it appears this file will give you considerable control over this element of the game.

I don't believe there is a separate setting for the search ability, but I could be wrong. You might find something with the Dragon skills, but I'm fairly sure those are not in a text file.

Last edited by Sir Whiskers; 01-15-2011 at 03:06 AM.
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