Thread: Ogre counter
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Old 01-01-2011, 04:37 AM
Minecontrol Minecontrol is offline
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Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 40

Best debuff spells would be
- Helplessness Level 3 (lasts ... dunno, but more than 2 rounds).
- Plague Level 1 (lasts two rounds though)

Use helplessness IF you have a potentially high damaging stack (lots of thorns), and the enemy defense is ~40 HIGHER than your attack.
Agree about the usefulness of helplessness against Ogres (or Orc Chieftains, Trolls etc), just worked well for me in the Scrounger fight. You can rip apart a single very large stack in one round.

I think he needs more initiative, there is a skill which (if you have at least one Orc troop with you) increases initiative by up to +3 for the first round (allowing you to get a tank up front). Having a fast Unit like Red Dragons however is going to be such an obvious target for Draining (which is what allows the Ogres to reach your back line - using the AP of the RD). Maybe consider using teleport to get your tank up front? Maybe teleport Paladins up near the Ogres instead? (better for melee against physical damagers).

Try Stoneskin on your tank round 1 and Magic Spring on it round 2 (then heal when necessary). A strong unit against Ogres is the Shaman, the flying Axes will do high damage to the Ogres as it is magic type damage and bypasses defence - while also healing all your troops (including your red dragons and rune mages), if the Ogres get close the Shamans can hold their own in defence (and melee attack) too and their totems will attract one of the Ogres to attack them (thus using up their round) see if there are any nearby to recruit.

Inquisitors are good very early game but after the first or second island there are far better options imho... The Ogres are going to be smashing them up and making a resurrection headache for you... Their resurrection skill is weak compared to Pals, Runes too and by then their rage generating talent is redundant in most fights.
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