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Old 12-28-2010, 12:39 AM
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ElAurens ElAurens is offline
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TheGrunch, you have no clue why I am questioning this apparently, Oh and I have been attacking moving vehicles for some time now. And yes it is difficult, as it should be.

Always make it a personal attack don't you? Anyone that questions something is portrayed as a lazy player or ungrateful for the work of the dev team or whatever else you rant about.

I have nothing against bomb fusing per-se, but they way it is currently implemented is just flat out wrong.

Note I have not said anything about the new torpedo drop parameters. It is far more difficult, but torpedo bombing was very difficult and risky, far more so than skip bombing, which is why skip bombing of ships became the preferred method of attack.

So please stop the personal slagging. There is no reason for it.

Personally speaking, the P-40 could contend on an equal footing with all the types of Messerschmitts, almost to the end of 1943.
~Nikolay Gerasimovitch Golodnikov
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