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Old 12-16-2010, 05:04 PM
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No1 Cheese No1 Cheese is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 292

This week sees us going back to the same tgts as last week!!!!!
The Battles did a valiant job,but we have to return to finish the job,this time with NO fighter cover!!!!!
This weeks breifing..........

Mission 1 of 1

Operations Order to 67 Wing, 75 Wing, repeated to 71, 75 Wings and North Eagle. From Panther:
Operation Order 617 dated 12.5.40 timed 09:50

Confirming telephone instructions, Blenheims of 15 Squadron are to attack Bridges 190 degrees AM30, 2 miles and 180 degrees AM30, 4 miles. Time over target 1100 hours. Aim of attack is to destroy or damage bridges.


12th May 1940 ZERO:- 10:30 hours – Nevilles

Gentlemen, following a raid earlier this morning by 12 Squadron Battles on the bridges on the Albert canal, west of Maastricht, we are to follow home the attack on the same targets. I must warn you that the Battles encountered heavy flak near the target area and stiff fighter defence by the Luftwaffe. This is a very well defended target and this will be a tough mission. Due to heavy commitments by our Hurricane Squadrons in France, there will be NO fighter escort. We believe that the bridges have been damaged but not destroyed. It is crucial that these bridges are taken out of commission.

The two bridges over the Albert canal are only four miles apart, the Veldwezelt bridge is the northerly bridge with an alignment of roughly east-west (WNE-ESE), the Vroenhoven bridge has an alignment of roughly SW-NE) both are vital to the German advance and must be destroyed. We will attack in Squadron strength using a LOW LEVEL DIVING ATTACK.

AIRCRAFT:-Bristol Blenheim Mk IV
SKIN:- TP_ skins
FUEL & WEAPON LOAD:- 100% 2x500lb bombs

METHOD:- Take off from Nevilles and climb to Angels TEN. Keep close formation at all times on transit to target area. Head to Lieges. At Lieges, descend to Angels TWO and follow the river NE. Eventually you will need to turn NW and follow the canal to the bridges. Attack BOTH bridges simultaneously using a LOW LEVEL DIVING attack. A flight will attack the Veldwezelt bridge and B flight will attack the Vroenhovem bridge. After your attack, egress the target area at TREE TOP LEVEL and head to home base or nearest friendly airfield.

INTELLIGENCE:- Expect heavy flak around the target area. Enemy fighters will now undoubtedly be patrolling the area due to the attack made earlier this morning by the Battles. Possibly in large numbers.

4/10ths cloud at 9000ft extending to 12,000ft.
Wind 120 at 03 knots.
Visibility Good.

No. 15 Squadron call sign - CROW
Ground Control call sign T O P H A T

MISSION POINT AWARD:- 1 Mission Point will be awarded if two or more Blenheims return to any Friendly airfield. OR 1 bridge is destroyed.

This mission is to be played 1 game per Squadron. I would like to have at least 9 players per Squadron. It might be the case that we need to "transfer" surplus pilots from a squadron to fill the gaps in other squadrons to even the numbers up. This will be done on the Sunday night.
Good Luck

F/Lt Bunny DSO** DFC***
145 Squadron B Flight Leader, Blue Section
Executive Officer 145 Squadron.

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