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Old 11-27-2010, 02:14 PM
Crni vuk Crni vuk is offline
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Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 185

yes ... that is very strang as well. Just curious about this now that you mention it, does the game actualy "really" model the shell, like letz say a object with physics and movement or does it simply check if there is something in the recticle and it calculates if it hits or dont, Counter Strike has something that is very similar where the game is only checking if something is in your crosshair or not so no real bullet calculation. Red Orchestra (A half realistic half arcade shooter based on the Unreal engine) does actualy model bullets and shells as real moving objects with a trajectory and dispersion (sadly spread only for small guns).

It seems that in MoW sometimes (or always?) the gun is conected with your recticle so that the recoil seems to throw of your aim making it sometimes impossible to hit anything if the tank is moving a lot after firing.
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