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Old 11-26-2010, 11:02 PM
Crni vuk Crni vuk is offline
Approved Member
Join Date: Apr 2010
Posts: 185

One aditional thing.


give it a possibility to rotate to the ground completely ! The camera many times makes aiming very dificult. Often you try to shoot a enemy tank which you barely can see as he is on the slope of a hill or behind some obstacle and you can only see the turret but you cant really hit it cause the camera cant be lowered to the ground so your gun is always aiming to high ! Please please fix that ! It gives units on hills sometimes as well a unrealistic advantage (since you should be able to shoot their lower hull for example) ! I tried last time to hit a Stug with the sluger, but it was damn near impossible as the aim would be sometimes on the vehicle, in the air, on the ground, shaking ... D: ! Very frustrating.

I dont know why the camera is that way, probably cause it has a colision detection with the ground like the camera would be a "object" please change that if possible ! At least for direct control. Or give us the ability to shoot directly like looking from the turret and not slightly "above" it because its working like a camera from a third person shooter !

Make the camera really work like it is designed "for" the vehicle in direct control! It would also help somewhat in infantry combat as well.

Would be very very very much apreciated !

Thank you for reading :3

Last edited by Crni vuk; 11-26-2010 at 11:05 PM.
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