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Old 11-24-2010, 12:26 AM
AWL_Spinner AWL_Spinner is offline
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Posts: 99

Ethics? I suspect this thread'll rapidly unravel and get locked really quickly. Or at least it would on a lot of other forums, but we'll see how things progress!

There were enough men and women of honor in various uniforms to be cautious of stereotyping a nation, or nations. I am fascinated by the views of the opposing sides in '39/'40 when things were very different to '44/'45 - for example the section in Paul Richie's "Fighter Pilot" (Battle of France) where the RAF types enjoy drinking and laughing with a downed compatriot aviator who happened to be wearing the uniform of the Luftwaffe. Things changed after the war ground on and cities became targets, no doubt.

But it's a sticky discussion and I think I'll steer clear

As for Splitter's question "why do you fly for x in IL2"... I tend to fly RAF/Luftwaffe equally.

I like 109s, 110s, Hurricanes and early Spitfires, because as a young lad I grew with tales of the Battle of Britain (I actually have a bit of a downed Me-110), and Mosquitos, because my Grandfather fixed them up during the war. So I'm pretty much going to be in aeroplane heaven when SoW is released.

I have less interest in Italian aircraft (other than for the novelty value), or indeed Russian/USAAF/IJN when they no doubt arrive in this new go-round.

I do, however, try to fly everything at least once
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