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Old 11-23-2010, 11:20 PM
matsher matsher is offline
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Originally Posted by matsher View Post

As much as I am a fan of realism, tonight I am in LaLa land (So please indulge me)
I can't stand the thought of having to put in hundreds of rifle rounds into a Nazi machine only to do some interior redecorating. These wonderful historical pictures make me mad just looking at them. I want to have the Deep satisfaction of seeing the wings sheer off, huge explosions, fireballs and mayhem.

All these fantastic screenshots are really getting my blood up...
I want to customize my spit into a pimped out hell machine, Instead of my 8 .303's I want 8 Vulcan Gatling guns ( Yeah, thats right, 48 barrels of screaming allied death)

Now before all you guys get all like, he's soooo unreasonable, I am prepared to compromise... The Vulcan's might be asking a wee bit too much, so to show you that I am a totally reasonable psychotic, I am prepared to settle for 8 of those cute little Cobra Gatling 3 barrel 20mm numbers. I don't think thats asking too much.

Lets see if those swarms of He-111's can get passed 24000 rounds per minute of HE cannon shells - Welcome to England Bitches You're cleared for immediate landing at your nearest convenient hedgerow.

Originally Posted by Triggaaar View Post
I know what you mean, while we want a historically accurate sim, we also want a balanced game. If the German aircraft had air to air missiles in WWII the Battle of Britain wouldn't have lasted long, and a game of it would be too one sided and pointless. But in the real BoB, Germany lost a lot more aircraft than Britain, so if it is historically accurate, your guns won't just be doing decorating. I appreciate that the German tactics were poor, and us gamers won't make those same mistakes in our 109s, but even so.


Personal! You killed my family!

I'm kidding, lighten up, he was just having a laugh about crazy ammunition in his fighter, and being aggressive towards some imaginary bomber. Instead of 8 .303's he wants 8 Vulcan Gatling guns. That’s clearly having a laugh and not being personal.
Aaaah, don't Stress Trig, Foo'Bar knew I was kiddin' - I fink one could best describe his comment as being liberally ironic...
Although that being said, if Foob's was up in one of 'em He-111steering his way to airmail me old mums outhouse with an over-sized German suppository...
I'd try and make it as personal as I possibly could... Me and my 8 Vulcans...
Or to be more correct, my 8 Vulcans and I...

Originally Posted by RCAF_FB_Orville View Post
Welcome to England Bitches, You're cleared for immediate landing at your nearest convenient hedgerow.


It made me laugh, anyway.....That's the Spirit Bonny lad! Think someones been raiding the 'Babycham' cupboard.
You know, I really wish I could say that I was drunk when I wrote that...
Glad you liked it, I think we should start a new thread to come up with the most
crazed & ludacris cross national insults to hurl at each other...

How about ...

The Queen rang and said STOP IT!!! You Naughty Naughty Germans.

Or maybe...

Why don't you geysers just bugger off, we never came round your gaf and pissed in your Sauerkraut...


'ello Hans, fancy a .303 prostate check


Hey Fritz, for what I am about to do to you, the polite thing to do would be to buy you a drink first.

Originally Posted by Richie View Post
It's funny that's the last thing I think of my 109.....a Nazi machine. I think the higher ups were nothing but an irritating puzzlement and source of amusement to all of the Jagdgeschwader commanders and their pilots.
Yeah Richie I know you're right, but its just not as much fun to think I am shooting down an nice affable guy flying an aeronautically androgynous fighter plane.
I'd far rather imagine you to be a fire breathing blood sucking Nazi vampire sent by satan to eat the hearts of our innocent children... (Shrug)
It adds a little something.