Thread: Tired Of BoP
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Old 11-02-2010, 10:52 AM
Gilly Gilly is offline
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Originally Posted by MACADEMIC View Post
Best way to avoid unwanted gatecrashers like this is to create a chat room before you open a game, where you invite only the people you want in the game. Once you have agreed on who wants to play and which game, you host a game for exactly that number of people, who will know and join as soon as the game appears. Room full, end of trouble.

I know it's a bit more complicated than just hosting and seeing who comes, but if the gatecrashers bother you that much it's a way out...

We normally have a vid chat before we go on and then as you say set up a specific- sadly doesn't stop the gatecrashers who for whatever reason are unable to hear what your trying to tell them and then cruise around in their airborne battleship auto gunning everything.
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