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Old 10-21-2010, 12:15 AM
Crni vuk Crni vuk is offline
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Originally Posted by kane1 View Post
I don't like having to put my soldiers helmet on every few minutes but I think it adds realism. It makes the soldiers less bot like, if you know what I mean.
Not really. Usualy a soldier would keep his helmet and close the strips exactly to prevent it dissapearing suddenly. Thats something they usualy keep really an eye on while training (discipline and such). At least for the German army this was standart. If the instructors would find you with unaceptable shape (like open strips) you would face some punishment. Same for most other armies. All this "loosing helmet" thing does is ading another useless micromanagement to the game which should be removed as you have to keep an eye on a lot of things already and runing around to pick up your helmet is neither realistic nor really anything usefull for the gameplay (i rarely if ever do that).

Regarding protection, reall the helmet is NOT there to protect from bullets. It doesnt mean that it might give you no protection but the chance to survive a clear straight shoot even by a 9mm are very small maybe past 100 meters it would richochet, eventually (but even then only when it hits a bad angle).

What a helmet usualy should do is protect your head from injuries if you drop down or something. They say it also gives protection against shrapnels but even that probably only if the angle allows it (a helmet has a round shape afterall), because the metal is quite thin. Its a myth a helmet could protect from bullets. For example the 7.96mm mauser which wsa pretty much the standart rifle amunition for the German army would have no trouble to penetrate a usual steel helmet from more then 1500 meters (if you hit). I think the bullet could even penetrate up to 1cm of armor. But I am not sure about that. Today modern helmets "maybe" can give you aditional protection where you survive head shoots that would otherwise clearly kill you without a helmet but even that requires a bit of luck. But still the main reason for helmets is to protect the head from injuries as it can happen very fast in combat that you have to either hit the dirt or you simply fall down.
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