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Old 10-17-2010, 01:47 AM
panamajack panamajack is offline
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Originally Posted by Sneaksie View Post
How much video RAM your card has? 512Mb? It should be enough really, i don't know while it crashes upon loading (in your log file it says failure to load trees).

It's also worth to mention that your PC will definitely benefit from installing a 64-bit Vista or, much better, Win7. You have 4Gb RAM, but only 3Gb are being used now in your 32-bit OS. While in theory there should be no difference between Kursk on 32-bit and Kursk on 64-bit systems, in practice Kursk on 64-bit happens to be a lot more stable (i don't recall crash reports from Win7 64-bit users) because of more effective memory management. Of course, it's not worth to install 64-bit because of just one game though.

Try to lower graphics settings. Turn off HDR (memory hog), high sky and landscape detail, maybe set unit detail to medium (btw, turning off shadows will give you around 100% performance boost). If crashes disappear, then it's a not enough memory problem, probably not enough video RAM.
Thank you for the reply, I will try the suggestions and see what happens. My video card has 1GB of ram on it.
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