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Old 10-15-2010, 11:03 AM
Insuber Insuber is offline
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Go for 80 GB. Some units (namely Intel ones) are really fast but slow down when they are >90% full. Additionally with a bigger SSD drive you can install IL2 on it and enjoy fast startups ...

I bought an Intel 80 GB SSD, and I don't regret the 220€ I had to shell out, because this single upgrade resolved all my issues of slow loading of XP and IL2. There is enough space for Win XP, a couple of IL2 installs and some other stuff, and the drive is still filled at 70%.
I have also a1TB Samsung drives and a couple of 500 GB, Samsung, as work horses.


Originally Posted by Madfish View Post
If you got 12gigs of ram you could either use a ramdrive and boost system speed or just rely on windows caching in all the data from the drive.
Most SSD's aren't that much faster than good S-ATA drives in sequential read. In gaming you may have faster load times but mostly everything is cached in the VRAM and RAM so yeah.
Of course it's nice if browsers and other software open up fast but with a small SSD you will run into trouble once it starts to fill up.
I'd recommend aiming for 120gigs or you will probably have to compromise. You can, for example, put the pagefile into a ramdrive or the users directory on the data drive (your 1TB disk) but well, if you can spend the money, sure, go for an SSD. If you really need to save money and can't afford the 120 I'd recommend to wait until they get a bit cheaper. 64gb is really a bit small. I'd consider 80 as the minimum.
But that's just my personal experience of course.
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