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Old 10-05-2010, 09:31 AM
KarlosCV KarlosCV is offline
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 16

For me KB games are almost perfect as they are so I'm more concerned the devs decide to "go mainstream" and produce another forgettable realtime halfass crap which the market is overflowing with.

But I suppose some things can be done even better:

1. The story can certainly be presented in a more immersive way, I mean text boxes with still head pictures (beautiful as they are) are usable but nothing to be too excited about. I'd also gladly do without some of the more eye-rolling fantasy clichés like divine chosen one trying to save the world and generally encourage the devs to give us a story we can finally care about a bit.

2. The quests can be more variable, not just the traditional find/fetch/kill scenario.

3. As was already mentioned, definitely improve the unit description - what counts as archers, beasts, humanoids, what influences who and how and so on.
I also found useful minor things like a detailed breakdown of Morale composition, would be nice to extend it to the other attributes as well (why my Attack, Defense, Resistances, Initiative or Damage is what it is and what influences it).

4. Item management - can subscribe to that. It's frustrating to have several half-completed sets and never find the rest of the items.

I left two most important things for the end:

A) The later stages of the game are always far too easy and only some heroes and bosses present a reasonable challenge. The first half is wonderful because it forces the players to try different strategies and finessess and really use all those special abilities and spells. Later stage battles are basically decided in the first two rounds, then another two or three for cleaning and ress...a bit boring.

B) MAKE OTHER RACES/UNITS MORE USABLE - IMO some units and whole races are too underpowered/underused, mainly because it's very difficult/frustrating/impossible to ressurect them. The whole point of the KB games is to lose as few units as possible, so you don't have to trudge up and down (a bit less frustraging in AP, with the ship and reserve improvements) to replenish the stock. The demons are notoriously fragile in this respect, also the undead can be ress only with the eviln spell which is slow and frustrating and and the "heal" ability of vampires and ghosts is usable maybe in the first 1/10 of the game, then it's totally worthless (I lose 20 of 21 vampires after one whack from an enemy and the last unit replenishes its health - big bloody deal).
Also some of the abilities are annoying on the AI side and worthless in your army (like some units after heavy losses avoid attacks or the troll changes into stone after death and so on).
After 5 replays (TL and AP) I found out I always drifted to using similar units and strategies (with the same hero classes of course) - always paladins, mostly dragons and bowmen, because they're the most convenient in most situations.
It would be nice if the game encouraged you to use demons, undead, dwarves, orcs, goblins or lizards in certain environments or situations (seriously, has anyone EVER used Dwarves, Foremen or Miners?) and/or discouraged you from using the traditional fixtures like paladins or dragons more often (it's better to drop dragons for battles against demons for example but I'd like to see much more of that).

Last edited by KarlosCV; 10-05-2010 at 09:43 AM.
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