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Old 10-04-2010, 02:56 AM
Puce Moose Puce Moose is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 45


I edited the Trap spell to make it deal a bit more damage, and I discovered something that may help you; the lvl_dmg entry. As an example, here's the relevant entry for the Trap spell:

params {
duration=3,4,5 // âðåìÿ æèçíè
int=0 // åñëè =1 òî èíòåëëåêò âëèÿåò íà äëèòåëüíîñòü çàêëèíàíèÿ
damage=70-170 // óðîí
lvl_dmg=200 // ïðèðîñò óðîíà ñ óðîâíåì â %
count=1,1,1 // íå èñïîëüçóåòñÿ

That lvl_dmg entry seems to adjust the damage based on the level of the spell. For example, at level 2 the spell would do 70-170 + (200+70,200+170), and level three would deal 70-170 + (200+70+200+170) + (200+70, 200+170). That *seems* to be how it's working, though I'm not 100% positive. Anyway, it's a good place to start.
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