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Old 09-29-2010, 07:43 PM
BB Shockwave BB Shockwave is offline
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Originally Posted by onepiece View Post
@BB; personally I would love the master genie or the naga (jejeje). If you ever do it, could you let me help? I've also been wanting to do a little modding but there's very little I know in terms of it.
Well, I know modding, but the main problem is with extracting the 3D models and textures from the data.WDF files. There is a program/util for opening WDF files for another Netdragon game, Conqueror Online, but I was unable to get any textures other the main hero textures out of the game with that.

Sorry for the OFF-topicness, but other then KB2, I see little other ways to make new units in KB without using other graphics.

There is a thought, though... we do have some nice 3D units in KB too who just don't have combat animations. For example, the dwarven engineer who runs the balloon, the dwarven fighter with the long chain cloak, the many pirate models, the model Demenion's spy uses... Or even the Pet dragon itself. If someone could associate animations to these 3D meshes, we could have some new units.
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