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Old 09-27-2010, 07:59 AM
USA Trucker USA Trucker is offline
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Originally Posted by gentjt38 View Post
I just got this game today and two jobs that I was suppose to do I have been bounced on. Told me I couldn't do them when I got to where I was to go. The Oakland job bounced me and then the Greenfield job for the medications bounced me when I arrived at the warehouse. Now am I gonna be able to do any of these jobs or is the game just gonna screw me around and let me drive around till my time expires on these jobs. And yes I read the manual and that really didn't tell me much either.

This is what it tells me....."You need to establish a branch in this area in order to be ab le to take orders." Two jobs i get to cancel cause the game obviously doesn't tell me how to establish a branch.
Hello, and welcome to the forum.

First off please do not double post (back-to-back postings). Use the "Edit" tab if you need to add comments to your post.

Now I'll get to your problem. Begining on page 30 in the manual explains how to open a new branch. I'll cut to the chase for you though.

1) On your map (tab key) you'll see little green hooks. This is your warehouse area of influence. You can load/unload your cargo there.

2) The white hooks are areas outside your warehouse area of influence. You can unload your cargo in these warehouses, but you can not load any cargo there. You need to purchase additional branch offices.

3) To purchase a branch office you need to go to a branch you currently own such as Nicks Trucking in Oxnard. When in your office click on the "Manage Branches" tab. Again you'll see a map of your area of influence. Click on one of the little monitors (on the map) and you'll see your area of influence expand. Then click on the "Establish New Branch" tab. Click the "Apply All" tab, and your area of influence has increased.

4) Should your purchase be denied it's usually because you don't have enough turn-over, and/or your warehouses exceeds whatever number is indicated.

5) Now you need to buy a truck, and hire a driver. This is on page 32 in the manual. You shouldn't have any trouble here.

If you're early in the game I wouldn't advise this. Your funds with repairs, gas, up-dating your truck, and possible fines will be very low. If you can't pay a fine then you are bankrupt, and the game is over.

What I, and many others do is max out your starting truck (whatever it may be). Then buy a new one. Don't sell the your old one. Instead give it to a new hired driver, and repeat the process. Usually with ever new driver you can open another new branch.

Another thing a lot of us like to do is sell the old truck right from the start, and use this money to buy a truck that you like, and max it out. You can now do as my previous paragraph stated.

Don't get frustrated. A lot of this game is sort of like "learn as you go". When you're stuck just come here. I usually don't leave any question un-answered, and there are a lot of people here willing to give their advice, or assistance. Everyone of us play this game differently, and there are no concrete, fool-proof ways to play this game as you'll soon find out.

If I missed anything, let me know.

Last edited by USA Trucker; 09-27-2010 at 08:02 AM.
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