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Old 09-25-2010, 05:49 PM
Chivas Chivas is offline
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Originally Posted by VectorForFood View Post
Hey guys,

Long time IL2 player, and a long time lurker of these forums.

I just have a couple of questions for the general population here.

While I understand and respect the fact that it's now taboo to even mention the words "release date" on here, so much so I sense I will be banned for this post alone...

\I still don't understand why there is no general timeline by now, it doesn't make any sense marketing wise, and if the game truly was 80% done months and months ago, then they must have a guestimate as to when the game will be completed.

I realize all anyone here can do is speculate without Oleg actually giving some facts, but I find it utterly amazing that the population here is satisfied with a weekly collection of 4-5 screenshots, hardly any videos and they praise the team with the groundbreaking progress they are making, and are completely satisfied to believe that the project is still going ahead 100%.

Something just doesn't add up here, perhaps its the culture difference and Oleg doesn't seem to want to inform his customer base better, or he simply doesn't understand how frustrating it is (or care) that we've been waiting for years and aside from some beautiful screenshots and stories we have nothing, not even a 6 month window for a release date.

Seriously, you guys who bash people talking about vaporware can't have a firm grip on reality. I've been a PC gamer since 1992, and have never seen the likes of this, not even remotely close to this...

For example, I am an "Iracer" ( that project wasn't anywhere near the drawing board when BOB:SOW was announced, and it's now a multi-million dollar online racing simulator, with 30+ lazer scanned tracks, and 20+ authentic cars, and constantly growing, and yes it was started by a very small design group in a very small office.

Either there's stuff going on Oleg does not talk about (nor does he have to) or the team simply doesn't see it important to keep his fan base alive...

I'm not saying what Oleg is doing is not worth the wait, if everything in the end holds true, then yes truly it will be a fantastic end product...

Anyway, this is probably my first and last post, since no doubt this post will be destroyed into the ether, and I can't wait to hear all the flaming comments.
I suppose you will never have a clue how complex developing this sim has been until you try developing one yourself. The game your talking about has no where near the complexity of this combat flight sim.
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