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Old 09-24-2010, 03:42 AM
Splitter Splitter is offline
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Originally Posted by IceFire View Post
Polite yes... but there are still some (many) morons who just spawn, start engine and 110% throttle and take their chances.

I usually use the tailwheel after I've setup my takeoff.
Yes, in real aircraft it can be easy to send a plane into a sideways skid on the ground with the tail wheel unlocked. It CAN be done in IL-2, but it seems that you have to intentionally try to do it. In other flight sims, it is easy to inadvertently send your plane careening sideways, dig in a wing, bend the landing gearm etc.

Just prior to take off, I roll the plane forward a few feet to make sure the tail wheel is locked straight...I'm not sure it would lock any other way in IL-2, other sims, or in real life, but it's a little ritual for me . I also always lock the tail wheel prior to landing...and I lock it when I park it lol.

Really, an unlocked tail wheel is only needed when you need to make sharp turns while taxiing. I have also heard that an unlocked tail wheel can cause drag in IL-2, but I have never tested it.

Another good habit that makes absolutely no difference in this game is to use the wheel brakes as you retract your gear. This stops them from spinning and prevents damage in some planes in real life and other sims.

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