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Old 09-23-2010, 12:44 PM
Saiko Kila Saiko Kila is offline
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Posts: 119

Originally Posted by Wisely View Post
Also this might not be a bug, but Evil Beholders (applies to any troop) cannot use their ranged attack if an enemy is standing right in front of them that they can melee. Also, they can't take control of a unit if it isn't their turn to move, or his/her turn has ended.
With beholders, that is a standard behavior. It's called blocking - ranged units are blocked by enemy units standing next to them. They have to move out of endangered area or attack the blockers, which is often undesirable, because most ranged units have penalties when going melee.

Taking control works also as intended, because with evil beholders you control only for a specific task (unlike with demonesses and with domination spell), that is you make enemies use their turn to attack some other enemies and, hopefully get retaliation. Note that you can't use special abilities of controlled enemies, and most of them does the thing in the worst way possible, as if they were struggling to overcome the domination. For instance, ranged units don't use ranged attack but go to the target and punch it (if they have not enough speed they will just stand somewhere on the way). This may be because they are blocked by their colleagues, though.

Said that, I've encountered a bug with evil beholders. When fighting Rohum, executioner hero with lots of executioners. Controlled unit had enough speed to move and attack another unit. Instead, it moved one hex, and stood here. It was charmed, like by demoness, had the heart icon with 1 turn. Other executioners took their turns to beat the guy mercilessly, and I was able (in next turn) to sacrifice him (partially) to get more of my own soldiers. When his turn came he lost all points and turned enemy again. Which was normal for one turn charming. But evil beholders can't do that normally.
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