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Old 09-22-2010, 06:14 PM
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Zechnophobe Zechnophobe is offline
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Originally Posted by Renevent View Post
What I would think would be cool is more hero skills that open up unit tactical options.

For instance, warrior skill line that has skills that give all units categorized as archers a 'volley' skill, or all units with swords some bleed skill.

Mage skill line could have stuff to grant magic units extra abilities as well.

I think there's a lot more that can be done with the hero's advancement and how it effects things on the battlefield.
I'd like to see more skills that play around with the battlefield. Part of the reason I like abilities like Mystic Egg, trap, Demon Portal, etc, is because they wall off certain parts of the arena, or give you a moments reprieve against an attack, or something like that.

Shamans throwing down totems to prevent archers from shooting for instance, is cool. Maybe a plaguebearer unit for the Undead that throws Oil Mist flasks, shoots poison cloud and can cast 'trap' once per combat (trap poisons). Something like that.
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