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Old 09-20-2010, 11:15 PM
ckdamascus ckdamascus is offline
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Default Officer's Patent

[Thanks Hunkie!]
From battle_akademy.lua:
Peasant > Footman/Bowman/Priest/Pirate/Robber
Footman > Guardman/Witch-Hunter
Guardman > Knight/Horseman/Paladin
Priest > Inquisitor/Witch-Hunter
Archmage > Necromancer/Demonologist/Rune-Mage
Pirate > Sea-Dog/Ghost-Pirate
Dwarf > Cannoneer/Foreman
Orc > Veteran-Orc/Orc-Tracker
Veteran-Orc > Ogre/Ogre-Chieftain/Troll

[Thanks Saiko]
There is a new questgiver, named Arian, who, after completing certain easy quest, will change people into demons. You need Officer's Patent for this, and trophies. He's different than usual conversions, because he converts in ratio 1:1. For example, 5 Runemages into 5 Archdemons, 40 Demonologists into 40 Executioners, or 40 Paladins into 40 Executioners or 20 Witchhunters into 20 Demons. That way you can get more leadership worth of troop than you had before (with executioners even much more) or less (as with Archdemons).

Runemage -> Archdemon
Archmage -> Demon
Witchhunter -> Demon
Paladin -> Executioner
Demonologist -> Executioner
Lake Fairy -> Demoness (484g/t)
Dryad -> Demoness (450g/t)

Griffin -> Royal Griffin
Thorn -> Royal Thorn

[thanks dratomic]
Repair Droid -> Guard Droid

[thanks to the new trainer app]
Werewolf -> Assassin
Sea Dog -> Assassin

Link to the trainer app thread

Just what the heck does this thing to? I got a fair amount of "trophies" but I stopped equipping it since I couldn't raise it past troop level 5? Even so, I couldn't "upgrade" or "train" my paladins? (level 4) even though they are human and neutral.

I hope this isn't like upgrading knights->paladins or something.

Does anyone else know the purpose of this or if it is any good?

By the way, is it me, or does the Dragon of Chaos suck big time?

You can still convert demons up the tree too such as executioner->archdemon, so there isn't that much of a super strong need to give up your Patent to the Demons.

However, it might be the only way to get a demoness or archdemon early on in the game (e.g. if they did not spawn).

Last edited by ckdamascus; 12-23-2010 at 04:46 PM.
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