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Old 09-19-2010, 09:26 AM
R@S R@S is offline
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Originally Posted by Dr.Q View Post
I might try that, my old game with the alternative weaponinfo has become a bit of a joke. Really on CGL 5 i bought a G36C that has the range of a sniper rifle and all the shotguns are as fast pistols. No idea whats supposed to be 'realistic' or balanced about that
The alternative WEAPONINFO is for those wanting to try something different, if you don't like it don't use it. And if you don't like the standard BSM one either, make your own

Originally Posted by Dr.Q View Post
There's still bugs with the new class system. I gladly traded away -20 STR for INT 100 on character creation, but when he came alive STR was back at the old value.
As they say, assumption is the mother of all screw ups, and I surely made one here. I knew that when you visit the doctor and heal your merc, the health skill reverts back to the setting it had in the INI file. I assumed Health was the only parameter that did that, and boyo was I wrong. There are others that do the same and I've removed them from the decrease list to avoid the problem. I might even remove the decrease option all together, but haven't decided yet.

Originally Posted by Dr.Q View Post
The bonuses you're handing out on level up may be a touch too much too. At CGL 5 my merc is now a STA 100 fitness monster, along with INT 100 and CAMO 80 and the 38 bonus points into gunfighting..
You're making a mistake if you think that a 100 point in a skill or parameter is much. The roof is actually 250, and when you get 200 points, that's when you should consider it high. But then again, if you don't like it, turn it off in the BlueSunMod.ini file.

Originally Posted by Dr.Q View Post
bank filled with a quarter million or so... especially with the 'alternative' weaponinfo it's like playing one of the old bearpit cheatmods for JA2
If you think 250k is a lot of money at CGL 5, you need to play a bit more. Once you reach CGL 7 you need ~150k for every sector you capture, the cost of militia to hold it will certainly drain your resources. It takes more than a month to regain that capitol through taxes, so you need a nesting egg before you even consider holding a sector.
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