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Old 09-19-2010, 08:18 AM
Urbz Urbz is offline
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Originally Posted by BB Shockwave View Post
I like the Witch Hunter. Even against non-mages, a level 3 unit with 110 HP, that's a good tank.

I'm confused by the Rune Mage's description. I just started a game today, so could not hire one yet - do his skills depend on how many Talent Runes you have alltogether, or how many unused ones you have? Because the latter seems like a waste, they are better off used on skills.

Anyway, him having a Resurrection skill that works on everyone, Level 5 included, seems really nice. Especially that the Paladin's Resurrection skill strengthens it.

Also - just like some other units in AP prior, he suffers from overlapping skill descriptions, thus "High Mage" has the "Magic Resistance"s description, and so on. THus, I don't know what the "Runic Armor" ability does. Anyone knows?
Runemage checks how many unused Talent Runes you have, else it would be way too powerful anyhow. This might seem like a waste but I kinda like how you have to choose, although I do not have enoughleadership to use them yet.
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