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Old 09-18-2010, 09:40 PM
safoolfool safoolfool is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2010
Posts: 49

You don't have to start a new game if you want to use the old weaponinfo file, you just have to rename the alt one something else (like put the alt back in).

Personally I like the alt file so far. It makes combat much faster, which has been fun. I also really like what it did with pistols, bringing the fire time down by a factor of almost four. I find that the lower fire times (all around, pretty much) make running around hipshotting and rough aiming a lot more useful, instead of the rather static "crouch, aimed shot aimed shot aimed shot" the game usually degenerated into for me. I also love the range & dropoff on the shotguns (they work great up to ~40m, and can't do anything past ~55m), combined with their new speed, makes them pretty useful, where before I never touched them

That said, I'm only on CGL 5 myself, and having looked ahead at what the alt file does with ARs and sniper rifles, I think it will break the game pretty badly. For one, bolt action rifles are entirely pointless: sure they have an extra 50-100m of effective range, but I've never seen an enemy more than 150m off and most maps don't even have any spaces more than 250m apart; the difference between 600 and 700m is not worth the difference between taking .3 seconds and 2.5 to shoot. In fact, sniper rifles seem pointless since ARs are perfectly accurate at all the ranges in the game.

The thing I like most, however, is that by bringing most weapons ranges out, they all become viable alternatives in many situations. Usually, in both BE5 and my previous time in 7.62, I just chose the most accurate gun with a reasonable rate of fire (with occasional other considerations, like "I need an MG for supression" or "this is a small map, I should bring SMGs instead). By making SMGs, SBRs, ARs, and sniper rifles all accurate enough in the ranges you encounter most often, my choice of gun depends on much more than just accuracy.

Additionally, even with extended ranges, some guns do better in close even if they're less accurate. For example, the AK-74 SU has an accuracy rating of 55, but it's to-hit % is something like 65% at 50m, 40% at 75m, and 30% at 100m. Then the MP5 has a rating of ~44, but its to-hit is 75% at 50m, 50% at 50m, and 10% at 100m. Now I have a choice based on where I think I'll be fighting: the MP5 is better close in, but the AK74 is better at longer ranges. In the original file it seems like this issue didn't usually come up, if a gun was more accurate, it was more accurate at all ranges.
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