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Old 09-18-2010, 06:31 PM
Hunter Hunter is offline
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 2
Default King's Bounty: The Legend. Epic Sausages?

Just a few days ago I noticed a neat looking game on Steam. That game appeared to be an expansion for King's Bounty: Armored Princess.. I looked through the screens and videos, read a couple of reviews and decided to buy it (considering that by buying expansion, you'd get The Legend for free) thinking that if I didn't like the game, I'd only be losing $19.00 for essentially two games.. anyway.

How, in the world have I not heard of this game??? Thanks to doing my papers and studying earlier this week, I had Friday off... and after owning the game for two days, I've already have 20 hours played and I just now finished the first island.

That is all.

I just wanted to say that this game is epic-sausage in so many ways, and to everyone considering getting it, DO ET.

P.S. If The Legend is so Epic... how is Armored Princess??
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