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Old 09-14-2010, 02:11 AM
Spinnetti Spinnetti is offline
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Originally Posted by jameson View Post
Or hard core:
If your copy of xp is sp2 on the original disk, I suggest you load that and then don't bother to update it unless you have a particular and dying need to. XP SP3 update seemed to me to be full of the crap that made vista such a loved operating system! It just seems to be drm protection for Hollywood studios and other such monopoly interests, i.e. those who have paid M$ to prevent other software running properly which is against their financial interests.
Also google "data execution prevention" and disable it. Some will tell you that this is inadvisable but if you use Firefox as your web browser and have antivirus and a good firewall, (Outpost has a free version), you will be ok. I've also turned off windows update and any other nagware of m$. No more problems running any software and none of this "you don't have permission" nonsense.
But then I only use windows to play Il2 and use Ubuntu for everything else, it's better and FREE! and will install over windows so that you can dual boot into windows or Ubuntu.
Probably good advice.. I only use windows to play IL2 and run a couple speciality programs anyway, so don't need all the windows add on junk.... Next time around I'll just do the default XP2 and leave the rest off.
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