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Old 09-10-2010, 08:48 AM
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Originally Posted by ElAurens View Post
Sad that the only reason it still flies is that some hobbyists put it back in the air. Not sad that that they did it, just sad that your MoD has let your country's defense fall to the sad state it is in.

Now it looks like your new aircraft carriers are going to get the axe, which of course means the end of the Royal Navy in a real sense, and the cancellation of the F 35 program for the RN, leaving you with no real naval single seater capable of competing on the world stage.

An island nation that is still a major player in the world economy, and in world politics, without their own viable naval air component, and hence, no ability to project power and defend your island in an increasingly troubled world.

Your politicians are as daft as ours are.
Thanks for your concern for our great nation, but we also hope to cut back on invading countries illegally and getting involved with right wing foreign policy such as Israel and USA (bush administration). This means we can save some cash and rather than spending it on misery making machines of destruction we can hopefully try and do something creative that will benefit mankind. If we do achieve this who's going to want to attack us?

Last edited by Tree_UK; 09-10-2010 at 11:36 AM.
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