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Old 09-09-2010, 07:25 AM
Skoshi Tiger Skoshi Tiger is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Western Australia
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I sure hope SOW is released this year otherwise, accordingly to certain mystic eastern philosophy, when the world population reaches the critical mass of 7 billion people (due in 2011), we will spontaneously be incorporated into a single world mind.

This will be heightened state of consciousness where there will be a fundamental change in what it is to be human. What will follow will be an age of love and contentment unexperienced before in human history. The world mind will develop solutions all the social and physical problems that have plagued the world and man kind.

As we will all spontaneously become smelly tree hugging hippies at that time, I hope SOW will be released before the ‘World Mind’ comes into existence so that I can flame a few 109’s before I transmogrify into my true spiritual super-being!
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