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Old 09-05-2010, 06:42 PM
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Default finds wreckage of World War 2

August 29, 2003, the fishing boat "immaculate conception" controlled by the owner and captain Frank Lucido, engaging in a fishing expedition to "train" was the protagonist of an extraordinary event, its network went on to snag something on the seabed, about three miles from the coast of San Vito lo Capo" managed to trace the network in a boat, a sense of joy and amazement spread to all the people present that day network was caught in a wreck of an aircraft of World War 2, probably German, because it was still visible in the rear wing a swastika Unfortunately to freeing in the network and collect the boat, the plane broke in two pieces the wreckage recovered was all part of the tail, the pilot's cabin to the rear wheel Having reported to the harbormaster the discovery of the wreck, the delegate of the captaincy Federico Sanchez, he arranged the return.
The old fishermen immaculate c. Stefano Cipponeri and Nicholas Lucido, arrived at the port told that in the summer of 1943 had been present at a killing of a German plane by a British airplane.
past the initial excitement the wreck was first inspected by the various institutions and after two days placed in a parking lot of the town of San Vito lo Capo summer of 2003 until June 2008, the tail of the aircraft was abandoned in the parking lot without coverage and surveillance in this period I have documented what kind of aircraft could be and who was the pilot who flew.
The aircraft and 'fighter Messerschmit German Bf 109 G4 piloted by HERBERT LOTTERE rider was part of the 5th Squadron, 27th Jagdgeschwader The aircraft was labeled as 11 RED plane was shot down June 18, 1943, and the pilot was declared lost on mission.

Last edited by Xilon_x; 09-05-2010 at 06:48 PM.
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