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Old 09-05-2010, 03:47 AM
Lazarus187 Lazarus187 is offline
Registered Member
Join Date: Sep 2010
Posts: 9

Alright, here are the the "abbreviated" ( originally contained 108,084 characters and the forum only allows 50,000 ) contents of the render.log file:

1:50.00 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\hands\hero_hands.cmf
1:50.01 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\hands\hero_magic_hands.cmf
1:50.02 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\hands\hero_jornal.cmf
1:50.03 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\hands\hero_hands_warm.cmf
1:50.04 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\movie_reel\movie_reel.cmf
1:50.05 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\polar_bear\polar_bear.cmf
1:50.05 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\indicator\indicator.cmf
1:50.06 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\ammo_interface\mosin_ammo.cmf
1:50.07 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\ammo_interface\ f
1:50.07 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\ammo_interface\ppsh_ammo.cmf
1:50.09 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\ammo_interface\ppsh_ammo_bag.cmf
1:50.09 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\ammo_interface\svt40_ammo.cmf
1:50.09 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\ammo_interface\ f
1:50.09 Fx uploading model:
1:50.09 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\gas_tank01.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\gas_tank01_phys.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02_phys.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\pl_barrel02.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\pl_barrel02_phys.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02a.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02a_phys.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\paper_box_01.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\vaneer_box_01.cmf
1:50.10 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\vaneer_box_01_open.cmf
1:50.11 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\wooden_box_01.cmf
1:50.11 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\wooden_box_02.cmf
1:50.11 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_07.cmf
1:50.11 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_07_phys.cmf
1:50.11 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle01.cmf
1:50.12 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle02.cmf
1:50.12 Fx uploading model: entities\ammo\ppsh_ammo.cmf
1:50.12 Fx uploading model: entities\ammo\ppsh_ammo_phys.cmf
1:50.12 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\spade.cmf
1:50.12 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\spade_phys.cmf
1:50.12 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\bucket.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\bucket_phys.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\venik.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\venik_phys.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\termos.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\termos_phys.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\valenok_r.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\valenok_r_phys.cmf
1:50.13 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\kerogas.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\kerogas_phys.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_01a.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\phys_paint_tin_01.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_01b.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_02b.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\phys_paint_tin_02.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_02a.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\valenok_l.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\valenok_l_phys.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle04.cmf
1:50.14 Fx uploading model: characters\creatures\mantis\mantis.cmf
1:50.16 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\bench.cmf
1:50.16 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\bench_phys.cmf
1:50.16 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_08.cmf
1:50.16 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_08_phys.cmf
1:50.16 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle07.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\films\big_reel_case.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\films\big_reel_case_phys.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\films\movie_reel_empty.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\films\movie_reel_phys.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_04.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_04_phys.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\films\reel_case.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\films\movie_reel_2.cmf
1:50.17 Fx uploading model: entities\films\movie_reel.cmf
1:50.18 Fx uploading model: entities\devices\dashboard.cmf
1:50.18 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\vef.cmf
1:50.18 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\vef_phys.cmf
1:50.18 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_01.cmf
1:50.18 Fx uploading model: entities\ammo\Mosin_ammo.cmf
1:50.18 Fx uploading model: entities\ammo\mosin_ammo_phys.cmf
1:50.18 Fx uploading model: entities\ammo\svt40_ammo.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\boot_right.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\boot_right_phys.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\wooden_box_ammo.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_small_hammer.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_small_hammer_phys.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_01c.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_02a.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_02_phys.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_05.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_05_phys.cmf
1:50.19 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\table_lamp_01.cmf
1:50.20 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\table_lamp_01_phys.cmf
1:50.20 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\kettle.cmf
1:50.20 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\kettle_phys.cmf
1:50.20 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle03.cmf
1:50.20 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\snowshoes.cmf
1:50.20 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\snowshoes_phys.cmf
1:50.21 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\ski_l.cmf
1:50.21 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\ski_l_phys.cmf
1:50.21 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\ski_r.cmf
1:50.21 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\ski_r_phys.cmf
1:50.21 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\prisoners\prisoner01_armed.cmf
1:50.22 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\prisoners\prisoner03.cmf
1:50.22 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\prisoners\prisoner05.cmf
1:50.23 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\prisoners\prisoner04.cmf
1:50.24 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\prisoners\prisoner02.cmf
1:50.24 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\extinguisher.cmf
1:50.24 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\extinguisher_phys.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\chess.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\books\journal.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\books\book_01_phys.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\gantelya.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\gantelya_phys.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\rucksack.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\rucksack_phys.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_02.cmf
1:50.25 Fx uploading model: characters\creatures\zombi_seaman02\zombi_seaman02 .cmf
1:50.28 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\circle.cmf
1:50.28 Fx uploading model: entities\physx_models\circle_phys.cmf
1:50.28 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_02b.cmf
1:50.28 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_02.cmf
1:50.28 Fx uploading model: characters\creatures\mechanic_sprayer\mechanic_spr _spider.cmf
1:50.30 Fx uploading model: characters\things\pencil\pencil.cmf
1:50.30 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\captain\captain.cmf
1:50.33 Fx uploading model: entities\kitchen\mug2.cmf
1:50.33 Fx uploading model: entities\kitchen\mug_phys.cmf
1:50.33 Fx uploading model: entities\kitchen\mug.cmf
1:50.33 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\walther.cmf
1:50.34 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\walther_phys.cmf
1:50.34 Fx uploading model: entities\books\book_04.cmf
1:50.34 Fx uploading model: entities\books\book_01.cmf
1:50.34 Fx uploading model: entities\books\book_02.cmf
1:50.34 Fx uploading model: entities\books\book_03.cmf
1:50.34 Fx uploading model: entities\books\book_05.cmf
1:50.34 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle05.cmf
1:50.35 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle06.cmf
1:50.35 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\tyre.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\tyre_phys.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\shells\bullet_shell.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\shells\ppsh_shell.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\shells\mosin_shell.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn1.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn2.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn3.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn4.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn5.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn6.cmf
1:50.36 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn7.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn8.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn9.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn10.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn11.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn12.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\knifer.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\pyramidz.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\sphere.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\box.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\cylinder_hi.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\conus.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard04_phys.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard02_phys.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard01_phys.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard03_phys.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\mosin_nagant_m9130_phys.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\ppsh_phys.cmf
1:50.37 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\svt40_phys.cmf
1:50.38 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\spider_leg_01.cmf
1:50.38 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\spider_leg_02.cmf
1:50.38 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard04.cmf
1:50.38 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard02.cmf
1:50.38 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard01.cmf
1:50.38 Fx uploading model: gfx\gibs\mantis_shard03.cmf
1:50.38 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\Mosin_Nagant_m9130.cmf
1:50.39 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\ppsh.cmf
1:50.40 Fx uploading model: entities\weapon\svt40.cmf
1:50.41 Fx uploading model: characters\dummy.cmf
1:51.61 Loading effect: camera_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:51.61 Loading effect: camera_06.fxo (6)/ok
1:52.30 Loading effect: volumefog_depth_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:52.30 Loading effect: volumefog_depth_06.fxo (6)/ok
1:52.35 Loading effect: diffuse_ani_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:52.36 Loading effect: diffuse_ani_06.fxo (6)/ok
1:53.17 Loading effect: diffuse_nowrap_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:53.19 Loading effect: diffuse_nowrap_06.fxo (6)/ok
1:53.24 Loading effect: default_ani_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:53.26 Loading effect: default_ani_01.fxo (1)/ok
1:53.26 Loading effect: default_ani_02.fxo (2)/ok
1:53.28 Loading effect: default_ani_03.fxo (3)/ok
1:53.28 Loading effect: default_ani_04.fxo (4)/ok
1:53.28 Loading effect: default_ani_05.fxo (5)/ok
1:53.30 Loading effect: default_ani_06.fxo (6)/ok
1:53.32 Loading effect: default_ani_07.fxo (7)/ok
1:53.33 Loading effect: default_ani_08.fxo (/ok
1:53.34 Loading effect: default_ani_09.fxo (9)/ok
1:53.35 Loading effect: default_ani_10.fxo (10)/ok
1:53.37 Loading effect: default_ani_11.fxo (11)/ok
1:55.23 end preload fx buffers
1:55.24 Sync reset
1:55.31 START preload
1:56.28 END preload
1:56.84 Rendering scene for the first time: start
1:57.32 Loading effect: diffuse_simple_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:57.33 Loading effect: diffuse_simple_06.fxo (6)/ok
1:57.36 Loading effect: refract_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:57.38 Loading effect: refract_06.fxo (6)/ok
1:57.56 Loading effect: image_alphalevel_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:57.57 Loading effect: froze_screen_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:57.58 Loading effect: froze_refract_00.fxo (0)/ok
1:57.62 Rendering scene for the first time: end
2:46.82 Releasing resources...
2:46.94 TNL: Releasing separated vertex buffers: 0
2:46.94 TNL: Releasing separated index buffers: 0
2:46.94 TNL: Releasing buffers: ok
2:46.94 TNL: Releasing effects buffers 0
2:46.94 ResetGame();
2:47.03 Audio: Set speaker mode: 2
2:47.07 Releasing resources... ok
2:47.07 Loading .map:
2:47.11 Done.
2:47.12 Loading effect: screen_00.fxo (0)/ok
2:48.08 Loading textures:
2:48.08 Done.
2:48.08 Loading models:
2:48.08 Done.
2:50.61 Creating subsectors in bridge: 128
2:50.82 Creating subsectors in hall_3: 2
2:51.48 Not Separated navigation_room:l7
2:51.48 Creating subsectors in navigation_room: 4
2:51.50 Not Separated elevator_2:lamp1364_light
2:51.50 Creating subsectors in elevator_2: 1
2:51.65 Creating subsectors in course_room: 1
2:51.73 Not Separated radio_room:lamp
2:51.73 Creating subsectors in radio_room: 1
2:51.74 Not Separated bridge_hall:lamp1386_light
2:51.74 Creating subsectors in bridge_hall: 2
2:51.75 Creating subsectors in hall_4: 1
2:51.75 Creating subsectors in h_to_h4_door: 1
2:51.75 Creating subsectors in h4_to_navi_door: 1
2:51.75 Creating subsectors in navi_to_course_door: 1
2:51.75 Creating subsectors in navi_to_e2_door: 1
2:51.75 Creating subsectors in navi_to_radio_door: 1
2:51.75 Creating subsectors in bh_to_bridge_door: 1
2:51.76 Creating subsectors in lift: 1
2:51.81 Not Separated level_2:lamp0471_light04
2:51.81 Not Separated level_2:lamp1387_light
2:51.82 Creating subsectors in level_2: 2
2:51.82 Creating subsectors in radio_to_l2_door: 1
2:52.28 Creating subsectors in navigation_room_destr: 4
2:52.33 Creating subsectors in course_room_destr: 1
2:52.46 Creating subsectors in level_2_destr: 4
2:52.47 Creating subsectors in lift_temp: 1
2:52.48 Creating subsectors in navigation_room1_destr: 2
2:52.48 Creating subsectors in navigation_room2_destr: 2
2:52.49 Creating subsectors in exit_door: 1
2:52.50 Creating subsectors in navigation_room1: 2
2:52.50 Creating subsectors in navigation_room2: 2
2:53.14 Not Separated korpus:lamp1301_light
2:53.14 Not Separated korpus:lamp1303_light
2:53.14 Creating subsectors in korpus: 24
2:53.27 Creating subsectors in deck: 18
2:53.28 Creating subsectors in t_f_room: 32
2:53.29 Creating subsectors in door_out_end: 1
2:53.29 Finishing with .res...
2:53.29 loading ambients...
2:53.29 ambients cnt = 0...
2:53.29 random sounds...
2:53.29 loading water...
2:53.29 ...Done.
2:53.29 Link sectors().
2:53.30 Create GGroups().
2:53.30 CreateTMap().
2:53.30 Setup in sector entities.
2:54.09 Birth place added: alpha: -1.6, pos: 108826, 22484, 124943
2:54.28 Birth place added: alpha: -1.7, pos: 108047, 22075, 124903
2:55.09 Birth place added: alpha: -1.6, pos: 110125, 22459, 124927
2:55.22 Birth place added: alpha: 0.0, pos: 110037, 22075, 125803
2:55.22 Birth place added: alpha: -3.1, pos: 109413, 22075, 124495
2:55.22 Birth place added: alpha: 0.0, pos: 109270, 22075, 124996
2:55.22 Birth place added: alpha: 3.1, pos: 111414, 22075, 124128
2:55.30 Birth place added: alpha: -1.6, pos: 108805, 22464, 126589
2:55.30 Birth place added: alpha: -1.6, pos: 113221, 22020, 126681
2:55.43 finding environment planes in sector.
2:55.44 Setup items.
2:55.50 RefreshPortalLinks();
2:55.51 Passage Sectors:
2:55.51 h4_to_navi_door
2:55.51 navi_to_course_door
2:55.51 navi_to_e2_door
2:55.51 navi_to_radio_door
2:55.51 radio_to_l2_door
2:55.51 exit_door
2:55.51 door_out_end
2:55.56 CreateGroups dynamic
2:55.75 PreCalcSectorsAI();
2:55.75 Linked node: 'navigation_room_destr','navigation_room1_destr'
2:55.75 Linked node: 'navigation_room_destr','navigation_room2_destr'
2:55.75 Validating triggers list
2:55.75 Generating processors system
2:55.75 Link_Actions();
2:55.76 Link_SectorAmbients();
2:55.76 Create_GfxInfo();
2:56.01 GFX objects allocated: 320

2:56.01 PrecacheEmitters();
2:56.09 UpdateGGroupsEmittersList();
2:56.09 Create physics static collision
3:01.98 Update scripts indices...
3:02.20 ...Done.
3:02.31 TNL: Releasing separated vertex buffers: 7
3:02.31 TNL: Releasing separated index buffers: 5
3:02.31 TNL: Releasing buffers: ok
3:02.31 TNL: Releasing effects buffers 1
3:02.32 create default fx textures
3:02.32 Initializing default effects
3:02.32 Loading effect: screen_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.32 Loading effect: blur_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.32 Loading effect: blur_gaussian_3x3_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.32 Loading effect: blur_gaussian_5x5_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.32 Loading effect: blur_gaussian_9x9_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_gaussian_13x13_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_gaussian_19x19_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_motion_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_camera_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_radial_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_invradial_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_shadow_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: blur_dof_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: image_antialiasing_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: fog_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: volumefog_merge_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: lightshaft_volume_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.33 Loading effect: sunshaft_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: lightshaft_merge_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: volumelight_invdepth_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: volumelight_depth_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: volumelight_merge_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: refract_accum_apply_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_noalpha_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_alphatocolor_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_accc_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_trashhold_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_minlight_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_blend_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_blendshadow_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_tonemap_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: image_findedge_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: volume_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: speed_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.34 Loading effect: particle_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: particle_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: particle_refract_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: particle_refract_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: projective_alpha_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: projective_alpha_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: projective_color_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: projective_color_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: projective_caustic_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: projective_caustic_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.35 Loading effect: waterlit_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.36 Loading effect: waterlit_01.fxo (1)/ok
3:02.36 Loading effect: waterlit_02.fxo (2)/ok
3:02.36 Loading effect: waterlit_03.fxo (3)/ok
3:02.36 Loading effect: waterlit_04.fxo (4)/ok
3:02.36 Loading effect: waterlit_05.fxo (5)/ok
3:02.36 Loading effect: waterlit_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.37 Loading effect: waterlit_07.fxo (7)/ok
3:02.37 Loading effect: waterlit_08.fxo (/ok
3:02.37 Loading effect: waterlit_09.fxo (9)/ok
3:02.37 Loading effect: waterlit_10.fxo (10)/ok
3:02.37 Loading effect: waterlit_11.fxo (11)/ok
3:02.37 Loading effect: ice_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.38 Loading effect: ice_01.fxo (1)/ok
3:02.38 Loading effect: ice_02.fxo (2)/ok
3:02.38 Loading effect: ice_03.fxo (3)/ok
3:02.38 Loading effect: ice_04.fxo (4)/ok
3:02.38 Loading effect: ice_05.fxo (5)/ok
3:02.38 Loading effect: ice_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.38 Loading effect: ice_07.fxo (7)/ok
3:02.39 Loading effect: ice_08.fxo (/ok
3:02.39 Loading effect: ice_09.fxo (9)/ok
3:02.39 Loading effect: ice_10.fxo (10)/ok
3:02.39 Loading effect: ice_11.fxo (11)/ok
3:02.39 Loading effect: snow_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.39 Loading effect: snow_01.fxo (1)/ok
3:02.39 Loading effect: snow_02.fxo (2)/ok
3:02.40 Loading effect: snow_03.fxo (3)/ok
3:02.40 Loading effect: snow_04.fxo (4)/ok
3:02.40 Loading effect: snow_05.fxo (5)/ok
3:02.40 Loading effect: snow_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.40 Loading effect: snow_07.fxo (7)/ok
3:02.40 Loading effect: snow_08.fxo (/ok
3:02.40 Loading effect: snow_09.fxo (9)/ok
3:02.41 Loading effect: snow_10.fxo (10)/ok
3:02.41 Loading effect: snow_11.fxo (11)/ok
3:02.41 Loading effect: snow_thaw_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.41 Loading effect: snow_thaw_01.fxo (1)/ok
3:02.41 Loading effect: snow_thaw_02.fxo (2)/ok
3:02.41 Loading effect: snow_thaw_03.fxo (3)/ok
3:02.42 Loading effect: snow_thaw_04.fxo (4)/ok
3:02.42 Loading effect: snow_thaw_05.fxo (5)/ok
3:02.42 Loading effect: snow_thaw_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.42 Loading effect: snow_thaw_07.fxo (7)/ok
3:02.42 Loading effect: snow_thaw_08.fxo (/ok
3:02.42 Loading effect: snow_thaw_09.fxo (9)/ok
3:02.43 Loading effect: snow_thaw_10.fxo (10)/ok
3:02.43 Loading effect: snow_thaw_11.fxo (11)/ok
3:02.43 Loading effect: snow_n3_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.43 Loading effect: snow_n3_01.fxo (1)/ok
3:02.43 Loading effect: snow_n3_02.fxo (2)/ok
3:02.43 Loading effect: snow_n3_03.fxo (3)/ok
3:02.44 Loading effect: snow_n3_04.fxo (4)/ok
3:02.44 Loading effect: snow_n3_05.fxo (5)/ok
3:02.44 Loading effect: snow_n3_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.44 Loading effect: snow_n3_07.fxo (7)/ok
3:02.44 Loading effect: snow_n3_08.fxo (/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: snow_n3_09.fxo (9)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: snow_n3_10.fxo (10)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: snow_n3_11.fxo (11)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: diffuse_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: diffuse_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: diffuse_vcolor_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: diffuse_vcolor_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: diffuse_nomipmap_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: diffuse_nomipmap_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.45 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.46 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_01.fxo (1)/ok
3:02.46 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_02.fxo (2)/ok
3:02.46 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_03.fxo (3)/ok
3:02.46 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_04.fxo (4)/ok
3:02.46 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_05.fxo (5)/ok
3:02.47 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.47 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_07.fxo (7)/ok
3:02.47 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_08.fxo (/ok
3:02.47 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_09.fxo (9)/ok
3:02.47 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_10.fxo (10)/ok
3:02.48 Loading effect: default_nomipmap_11.fxo (11)/ok
3:02.48 Loading effect: default_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.48 Loading effect: default_01.fxo (1)/ok
3:02.48 Loading effect: default_02.fxo (2)/ok
3:02.48 Loading effect: default_03.fxo (3)/ok
3:02.48 Loading effect: default_04.fxo (4)/ok
3:02.49 Loading effect: default_05.fxo (5)/ok
3:02.49 Loading effect: default_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.49 Loading effect: default_07.fxo (7)/ok
3:02.49 Loading effect: default_08.fxo (/ok
3:02.49 Loading effect: default_09.fxo (9)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: default_10.fxo (10)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: default_11.fxo (11)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: default_clip_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: default_clip_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: screen_bw_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: noise_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: tonecorrection_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.50 Loading effect: skybox_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.51 Loading effect: fog_transparent_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:02.51 Loading effect: fog_transparent_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:02.55 Fx begin uploading sector: 'bridge'
3:02.73 res: Uploading sector 'bridge' ok
3:02.73 Fx begin uploading sector: 'hall_3'
3:02.78 res: Uploading sector 'hall_3' ok
3:02.78 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navigation_room'
3:02.95 res: Uploading sector 'navigation_room' ok
3:02.95 Fx begin uploading sector: 'elevator_2'
3:02.98 res: Uploading sector 'elevator_2' ok
3:02.98 Fx begin uploading sector: 'course_room'
3:03.06 res: Uploading sector 'course_room' ok
3:03.06 Fx begin uploading sector: 'radio_room'
3:03.13 res: Uploading sector 'radio_room' ok
3:03.13 Fx begin uploading sector: 'bridge_hall'
3:03.17 res: Uploading sector 'bridge_hall' ok
3:03.17 Fx begin uploading sector: 'hall_4'
3:03.19 res: Uploading sector 'hall_4' ok
3:03.19 res: Uploading sector 'h_to_h4_door' failure
3:03.19 Fx begin uploading sector: 'h4_to_navi_door'
3:03.19 res: Uploading sector 'h4_to_navi_door' ok
3:03.19 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navi_to_course_door'
3:03.19 res: Uploading sector 'navi_to_course_door' ok
3:03.19 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navi_to_e2_door'
3:03.20 res: Uploading sector 'navi_to_e2_door' ok
3:03.20 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navi_to_radio_door'
3:03.20 res: Uploading sector 'navi_to_radio_door' ok
3:03.20 Fx begin uploading sector: 'bh_to_bridge_door'
3:03.20 res: Uploading sector 'bh_to_bridge_door' ok
3:03.20 Fx begin uploading sector: 'lift'
3:03.20 res: Uploading sector 'lift' ok
3:03.20 Fx begin uploading sector: 'level_2'
3:03.26 res: Uploading sector 'level_2' ok
3:03.26 Fx begin uploading sector: 'radio_to_l2_door'
3:03.26 res: Uploading sector 'radio_to_l2_door' ok
3:03.26 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navigation_room_destr'
3:03.40 res: Uploading sector 'navigation_room_destr' ok
3:03.40 Fx begin uploading sector: 'course_room_destr'
3:03.45 res: Uploading sector 'course_room_destr' ok
3:03.45 Fx begin uploading sector: 'level_2_destr'
3:03.52 res: Uploading sector 'level_2_destr' ok
3:03.52 res: Uploading sector 'lift_temp' failure
3:03.52 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navigation_room1_destr'
3:03.55 res: Uploading sector 'navigation_room1_destr' ok
3:03.55 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navigation_room2_destr'
3:03.56 res: Uploading sector 'navigation_room2_destr' ok
3:03.56 Fx begin uploading sector: 'exit_door'
3:03.56 res: Uploading sector 'exit_door' ok
3:03.56 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navigation_room1'
3:03.58 res: Uploading sector 'navigation_room1' ok
3:03.58 Fx begin uploading sector: 'navigation_room2'
3:03.59 res: Uploading sector 'navigation_room2' ok
3:03.59 Fx begin uploading sector: 'korpus'
3:03.77 res: Uploading sector 'korpus' ok
3:03.77 Fx begin uploading sector: 'deck'
3:03.84 res: Uploading sector 'deck' ok
3:03.84 Fx begin uploading sector: 't_f_room'
3:03.85 res: Uploading sector 't_f_room' ok
3:03.85 Fx begin uploading sector: 'door_out_end'
3:03.85 res: Uploading sector 'door_out_end' ok
3:03.97 res: Uploading sector lights 'bridge' ok
3:04.00 res: Uploading sector lights 'hall_3' ok
3:04.03 res: Uploading sector lights 'navigation_room' ok
3:04.04 res: Uploading sector lights 'elevator_2' ok
3:04.04 res: Uploading sector lights 'course_room' ok
3:04.06 res: Uploading sector lights 'radio_room' ok
3:04.07 res: Uploading sector lights 'bridge_hall' ok
3:04.07 res: Uploading sector lights 'hall_4' ok
3:04.08 res: Uploading sector lights 'h4_to_navi_door' ok
3:04.08 res: Uploading sector lights 'navi_to_course_door' ok
3:04.08 res: Uploading sector lights 'navi_to_e2_door' ok
3:04.08 res: Uploading sector lights 'navi_to_radio_door' ok
3:04.08 res: Uploading sector lights 'bh_to_bridge_door' ok
3:04.09 res: Uploading sector lights 'lift' ok
3:04.10 res: Uploading sector lights 'level_2' ok
3:04.10 res: Uploading sector lights 'radio_to_l2_door' ok
3:04.15 res: Uploading sector lights 'navigation_room_destr' ok
3:04.16 res: Uploading sector lights 'course_room_destr' ok
3:04.18 res: Uploading sector lights 'level_2_destr' ok
3:04.18 res: Uploading sector lights 'navigation_room1_destr' ok
3:04.19 res: Uploading sector lights 'navigation_room2_destr' ok
3:04.19 res: Uploading sector lights 'exit_door' ok
3:04.20 res: Uploading sector lights 'navigation_room1' ok
3:04.20 res: Uploading sector lights 'navigation_room2' ok
3:04.23 res: Uploading sector lights 'korpus' ok
3:04.24 res: Uploading sector lights 'deck' ok
3:04.25 res: Uploading sector lights 't_f_room' ok
3:04.25 res: Uploading sector lights 'door_out_end' ok
3:04.31 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'bridge' ok
3:04.33 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'hall_3' ok
3:04.36 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navigation_room' ok
3:04.37 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'elevator_2' ok
3:04.37 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'course_room' ok
3:04.38 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'radio_room' ok
3:04.39 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'bridge_hall' ok
3:04.39 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'hall_4' ok
3:04.40 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'h4_to_navi_door' ok
3:04.40 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navi_to_course_door' ok
3:04.40 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navi_to_e2_door' ok
3:04.40 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navi_to_radio_door' ok
3:04.40 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'bh_to_bridge_door' ok
3:04.40 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'lift' ok
3:04.41 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'level_2' ok
3:04.41 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'radio_to_l2_door' ok
3:04.43 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navigation_room_destr' ok
3:04.43 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'course_room_destr' ok
3:04.45 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'level_2_destr' ok
3:04.46 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navigation_room1_destr' ok
3:04.51 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navigation_room2_destr' ok
3:04.51 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'exit_door' ok
3:04.51 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navigation_room1' ok
3:04.51 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'navigation_room2' ok
3:04.51 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'korpus' ok
3:04.51 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'deck' ok
3:04.52 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 't_f_room' ok
3:04.52 res: Uploading sector shadow volumes 'door_out_end' ok
3:04.54 Total world flushes: 5578
3:04.54 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\captain\captain.cmf
3:04.56 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\officer\officer.cmf
3:04.59 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\head_guard\head_guard.cmf
3:04.62 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\mechanic03\mechanic03.cmf
3:04.64 Fx uploading model: characters\actors\fog_man\fog_man.cmf
3:04.65 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\doors\door01.cmf
3:04.66 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\doors\door01_left.cmf
3:04.66 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\doors\door02.cmf
3:04.66 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\doors\door01_locked.cmf
3:04.67 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\doors\door_cabin_broken.cmf
3:04.67 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\doors\door_cabin_white.cmf
3:04.67 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\doors\elevator_door_01.cmf
3:04.67 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\hatches\hatch01.cmf
3:04.68 Fx uploading model: characters\things\iceberg\iceberg.cmf
3:04.69 Fx uploading model: characters\devices\el_lock\el_lock.cmf
3:04.69 Fx uploading model: characters\things\particles\particle_photon_mental .cmf
3:04.69 Fx uploading model: entities\kitchen\mug.cmf
3:04.69 Fx uploading model: entities\kitchen\mug_phys.cmf
3:04.69 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\wooden_box_beer.cmf
3:04.69 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\paper_box_01.cmf
3:04.69 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02a.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02a_phys.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\barrel02_phys.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\gas_tank01.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\gas_tank01_phys.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\wooden_box_02.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_01a.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\phys_paint_tin_01.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_01b.cmf
3:04.70 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\pl_barrel02.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\barrels\pl_barrel02_phys.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_01c.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_02a.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\phys_paint_tin_02.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\tins\paint_tin_02b.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\wooden_box_01.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\vaneer_box_01.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\boxes\vaneer_box_01_open.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_02.cmf
3:04.71 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_01.cmf
3:04.72 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle02.cmf
3:04.72 Fx uploading model: entities\icicles\icicle01.cmf
3:04.72 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\bucket.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\bucket_phys.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\spade.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\spade_phys.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\extinguisher.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\extinguisher_phys.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\kitchen\mug2.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_small_hammer.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\tools\tool_small_hammer_phys.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_04.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\furniture\chair_04_phys.cmf
3:04.73 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\boot_left.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\boot_left_phys.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\boot_right.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: entities\garbage\boot_right_phys.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\shells\bullet_shell.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\shells\ppsh_shell.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\shells\mosin_shell.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn1.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn2.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn3.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn4.cmf
3:04.74 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn5.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn6.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn7.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn8.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn9.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn10.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn11.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\IceRailGun\thorn12.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\knifer.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\pyramidz.cmf
3:04.75 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\sphere.cmf
3:04.76 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\box.cmf
3:04.76 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\cylinder_hi.cmf
3:04.76 Fx uploading model: gfx\objects\conus.cmf
3:05.29 Loading effect: diffuse_ani_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:05.30 Loading effect: diffuse_ani_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:07.92 Loading effect: volumefog_waves_depth_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:07.93 Loading effect: volumefog_waves_depth_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:12.10 Loading effect: volumefog_depth_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:12.12 Loading effect: volumefog_depth_06.fxo (6)/ok
3:12.29 end preload fx buffers
3:12.29 Calculating sectors params stats:
3:12.29 surf params: 0.0
3:12.29 subsectors: 0.2
3:12.29 planes: 0.1
3:12.29 planars: 0.1
3:12.29 calc_octree: 0.0
3:12.29 load_octree: 0.7
3:12.29 fx_hlsl: 0.26
3:12.29 fx_default: 0.19
3:12.29 fx_sectors: 1.29
3:12.29 fx_models: 0.07
3:12.29 fx_characters: 0.15
3:12.29 fx_items: 0.00
3:12.29 fx_entities: 0.00
3:12.29 fx_total: 2.45
3:12.29 groups: 0.0
3:12.29 edges: 2.9
3:12.29 ReInitGame();
3:12.29 Memory allocated: 315877262
3:12.29 Preload resources
3:12.29 Sync reset
3:12.32 START preload
3:12.84 END preload
3:12.84 Sync reset
3:13.16 Rendering scene for the first time: start
3:13.37 Loading effect: image_alphalevel_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:13.42 Loading effect: froze_screen_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:13.43 Loading effect: froze_refract_00.fxo (0)/ok
3:13.44 Rendering scene for the first time: end
3:13.45 Fx uploading model: characters\weapon\indicator\indicator.cmf
12:44.78 Releasing resources...
12:44.89 TNL: Releasing separated vertex buffers: 0
12:44.89 TNL: Releasing separated index buffers: 0
12:44.89 TNL: Releasing buffers: ok
12:44.89 TNL: Releasing effects buffers 0
12:44.89 ResetGame();
12:44.98 Audio: Set speaker mode: 2
12:45.03 Releasing resources... ok
12:45.03 Loading .map:
12:45.06 Done.
12:45.07 Loading effect: screen_00.fxo (0)/ok
12:45.61 Abnormal termination: Too many script variables

Script Stack Call:


12:45.61 Shutting down 3d hardware
12:45.61 TNL: Releasing separated vertex buffers: 7
12:45.61 TNL: Releasing separated index buffers: 5
12:45.62 TNL: Releasing buffers: ok
12:45.62 TNL: Releasing effects buffers 1
12:45.70 Shutting down 3d hardware: ok
12:55.62 Game terminated.
12:55.62 End log.
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