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Old 09-02-2010, 08:21 PM
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Default Publisher etc... Info instead of images for the friday update? ;)

Hi Oleg and team!

All is nice and dandy now and we get regular updates that look better and better... It feels like its getting close to beta now which is great!

If that is true, is it not time to spread the word so we get to hear about the game somewhere else than here in the "IL-2 Sturmovik" forum on 1C? Most of the potential customers have no idea that this game is being developed. The couple of thousand geeks here in this forum will unfortunately not make you beat the MS Flight Sim X sales figures - or dust that new crap (?) FS title they are brewing in Redmond

Marketing is naturally the responsibility of the publisher but is it possible to give us any information about who is going to publish the game etc - or is it to early? I guess 1C will publish it in Russia? There is no information at all available about the game being in development at ? Is there maybe some info on the Russian 1C site?

Anything you can share about a western publisher?

Regards /Mazex
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