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Old 08-26-2010, 07:14 AM
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Originally Posted by Metroplex View Post
Let me just say that I have played both King's Bounty games MANY times over and still like them and await the sequel, having said that and after finishing the Disciples 3 campaign after more than a month of playing though it (it is VERY long) I have to say the game is SUPERIOR to kings Bounty in every way, in fact, it steamrolls it and leaves it flat on the ground.
This is the only game that actually made me lose track of time and continue playing it long into the night, I didn't even do that for KB:AP, it is realistic in that it isn't cartoony like both KB games and it has this very exciting resources and building aspect built into it, your units evolve over time as long as you have the necessary building in your capital, the combat is top notch and the game very interesting, it is now my number one game of all time, it was so good.
For the next KB, it should borrow some aspects of D3 to make it more interesting.
Only played the demo of Disciples III, and although I didn't have any stability issues other than the fact that I couldn't actually save the game (), I found the campaign missions slow and tedious. Also the AI is very poor, which may or may not be improved with patches. This is a great disappointment to me, as I adore Disciples II and all the addons, and in fact I got onto King's Bounty originally when I was waiting for D3 in 2008.

But now, two years later, I feel that King's Bounty TL, AP and now Crossworlds to be far in advance of Disciples III in every department except for art direction, where Disciples III is excellent. But a pretty game doesn't make for a fun game.
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