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Old 08-24-2010, 10:53 AM
airmalik airmalik is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Posts: 150
Default More detailed screen and video captures for moviemakers in SOW

Consider that Speedtree generates trees and vegetation procedurally and is capable of much higher detail than will be used in SOW for performance reasons. This being the case, will it be possible to optionally increase the detail of trees and grass when taking screenshots where performance isn't an issue? Also, would it be possible to specify the resolution for the screenshots independently of the screen resolution?

Similarly for videos, will it be possible to turn this detail level up and also add the ability to render the replay in non-realtime at the specified frame rate? Videos generated this way won't be limited by the compromises made for playable frame rates in the game.

Before I get jumped on, I'm not asking for this in the initial release. Just wondering if something like this is possible or already planned.

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