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Old 08-09-2010, 10:00 AM
Blackdog_kt Blackdog_kt is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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Nice game you have going there. I usually post in the IL-2 forum, so it would be bad manners on my part to win this one, post the next one and then forget to check the replies

So, instead of saying what this is i'll just give some hints. I may be wrong, who knows, but guessing from the shape of the horizontal tail and the size, this should be bigger than a fighter (two engines). I think it's not a fighter, but it's not a bomber either.
Also, take notice of the shape of the main wing trailing edge. The wing middle section is straight, but has a slight sweepback at the outer sections. Another notable feature is the single flap under the wing center section. Finally, is that the outline of a door in the left part of the rear fuselage?
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