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Old 07-30-2010, 07:38 AM
Noctilucus Noctilucus is offline
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Originally Posted by uk_john View Post
Reboot has much harder RTS Robot battles, because I believe the AI cheats. Also the AI generally has been improved and stories slightly changed to be made harder. So watch out for Reboot, it's been made as hard as SR1, if not harder!
Thanks once again for the advice.
As I made the jump from SR1 to Reboot without playing the vanilla SR2, I've never experienced the easy RTS robot battles. I'm avoiding them now as I haven't managed to win any except the tutorial (a few times I came close, eliminating 1 of the 2 enemies but never held out against the remaining enemy forces).
While in mid-game there are stronger pirates and bigger clusters of Dominators compared to SR1, you also have access to more and stronger weapons so for me it evens out. It's just harder to build an all-round ship as I feel I have to give up more cargo space to have a good speed and weapon layout versus SR1. On the other hand, you have bigger hulls available and more expensive Dominator loot.

Still in my first Reboot game (after 2 reloads because early on I died fighting pirates and once I died in a racing text game) and the Dominators have been fought back to 1 star system.
A fleet of rangers managed to take out Keller. I know the location of 1 other "boss" though I haven't seen the other one for a few game years now.
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