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Old 07-21-2010, 01:18 AM
Parkaboy Parkaboy is offline
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Originally Posted by Nikitns View Post
If you liked Soldiers, try Red Tide expansion. It is specifically built to the commando-loving micromanagement freaks that loved soldiers. I didn't like it specifically because of the long battles, and because they were so small in scope (+ the retarded lack of ammo for the soldiers and initially a fair share of bugs though not game-breaking in any way).

though I don't think the bugs in the English version have been taken care of (the russian 1 is fine though).
So what they are supposed to carry an ammo truck on their backs. The idea is to pick up ammo as you go.

The major thing wrong with RT (apart from the lack of MP) was the game flow. The game starts with some of the hardest missions and then they get easier as the game progresses. Which is the opposite of how a game should work.
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