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Old 07-04-2010, 09:58 AM
whatnot whatnot is offline
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Originally Posted by Fergal69 View Post
I too purchased WoP after humming & harring. I've played it a few times, but the dissapointment for me is when it gives you a list of aircraft to fly, you think great, there's a few I would like to try, only to find out you can only fly them from external view a no cockpits view available, ie. the beaufighter.
For me the few factors that make it uplayable/unenjoyable are:

- Just horrible engine sounds (Like a bee with two tones switching almost in an on/off fashion with WEP on/off)
- Huge blurring effect when turning my head using TIR instead of image staying sharp
- Too foggy / uncrisp environment
- Tiny maps

The last time I tried was some months ago so maybe there are fixes for that already?

It's kind of a conflicting experience overall, it tries to be a simulator and arcade game at the same time. You have pretty detailed controls for CEM for example and then your missions are like: shoot down 10 planes and by default they start without takeoff and end without a landing. WTF?

Still happy I bought it as every buck spent on supporting aviation titles is not badly spent. But still WOP is not really fighting in the same category as SOW:BOB, DCS titles etc flight sims. But to be honest the best 'I'm flying' experience I've got so far has been flying low level in WOP, you can really feel the speed and see the details without glitches and FPS issues even when settings are maxed out.

Last edited by whatnot; 07-04-2010 at 10:02 AM.
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