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Old 06-27-2010, 01:55 AM
USA Trucker USA Trucker is offline
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Originally Posted by M76 View Post
"needs a lot of improvements"
6: When you get an offer on the telephone, you have to blindly decide to take it or not. I mean you should be made aware of the time limits and exact destinations involved, because most of the time there is absolutely no indication where you have to take what and when, you only find it out after you took the job.

Am I experiencing some kind of a problem, or its like this for everyone? I mean in Kotr there were big storms wind, it got dark when when it rained, the other trucks splashed the water from the road, everything was more realistic. Even Hard Truck 1 had better weather than this, especially the water drops on the windscreen.
Phone Offers.
On 'Side-Missions' they do tell you the vicinity to pick-up & drop-off 90% of the time if you listen carefully, and when you accept the mission there are arrow indicators on the map for each part of the mission as you complete them. I never had a problem in this respect. Like in real-life, you don't always have time to write every piece of information down while driving. The time limit is added to the HUD & Journal when you accept it, but you can hear some hints in the conversation. Such as pick-up, or deliver by "tonight, or tomorrow, & quickly, or hurry". Some of the 'Story-Line' missions intentionally leave you in the dark, but that's part of the fun.

The Weather.
This is a programming error. It should get overcast, and the rain should blur the windshield, I believe DonnerWetter (RnR developer) stated that this would be rectified in an upcoming patch. However, I do see wet roads, and wheel back-splash. I also ran across a guy on YOUTUBE who had a code for making the raindrops bigger on the windshield, and the outside camera view, but I seem to have misplaced it. I'll try to get it again, and share it with you guys.

Last edited by USA Trucker; 06-27-2010 at 01:22 PM.
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