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Old 06-25-2010, 09:03 AM
Flanker35M Flanker35M is offline
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Zapatista, if you are believing SoW will have a truly fully dynamic DM in both the forces, materials and the visual department then do not be here whining when it is not. Just a matter of the computing power needed for it and not a single rig any us users here has can model that. Plain and simple. It will model DM for sure but do not expect every crash to be different if the plane comes in at different angles how the parts rip off and how a spar bends etc. A flight sim is not about modelling the crash but the flight

Regarding RoF. Make a better game if it bothers you RoF is the best WW1 sim, did I say World War ONE sim, out there at the moment. It offers fun for me and many others..and no need to be a fanboi