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Old 06-21-2010, 11:32 AM
Nanaki Nanaki is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Posts: 338

>> Equipment availability
The age-old question: should stuff be easy to find or hard? In SW3 the answer is generally "easy". Visit 1-2 stations and re-dock with each of them repeatedly, and you'll find nearly every item available in the game (with very few exceptions). This is bad. Sure, it gives new players an exciting look at the best equipment, but it also reduces incentive to explore. Why go far into the unknown and possible danger, when you can just grind at the local system until you can buy The Best Items (tm) and then immediately own everything when you finally start travelling beyond your home systems? Nothing kills the exploring spirit faster than this. "Why should I visit X, Y, or Z? I already have the best gear."
This has actually been experimented with, somewhat. There are a few ship models (mainly the Black Stormcrow, Eraser, Templar ships) are only available from certain stations in the game.
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